
Marina Frapa Dubrovnik ist ein geschützter Jachthafen. Marina Frapa liegt gegenüber dem Fährhafen Gruž und in der Nähe der Altstadt von Dubrovnik.


Gastronomisches Paradies für alle Gourmets in der Nähe des alten Stadtzentrums der historischen Stadt Dubrovnik.

Touren und Ausflüge

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Marina Frapa Dubrovnik ist ein geschützter Jachthafen. Marina Frapa liegt gegenüber dem Fährhafen Gruž und in der Nähe der Altstadt von Dubrovnik.

Kontaktiere uns

Fühlen Sie sich frei, kontaktieren uns. Kontakt Professionelles Team von Marina Frapa Dubrovnik.


Meet M/Y Domenika 120 ft – Your Luxurious Haven at Sea

Meet M/Y Domenika 120 ft – Your Luxurious Haven at Sea

Domenika is more than just a yacht, it's a heaven of luxury, a symbol of freedom and a passport to unforgettable experiences.



Nautičko jedro 2024 dodjeljeno Marini Frapa. I ove godine Marina Frapa u Rogoznici se istaknula svojom ponudom, kvalitetom i zadovoljsvom gostiju.

Miss Adriatic Europe 2024

Miss Adriatic Europe 2024

Miss Adriatic Europe 2024: U Marini Frapa odabrane su najljepše djevojke. Predstavilo se šesnaest finalistica iz cijele Europe.

Tuna Fever 2024

Tuna Fever 2024

Prijavite svoju ekipu na vrijeme i rezervirajte mjesto za Big Game Fishing natjecanje.

Izbor ljepote: Miss Adriatic Europe 2024

Izbor ljepote: Miss Adriatic Europe 2024

Priprema se novo izdanje izbora ljepote Miss Adriatic Europe 2024 koji će se održati u subotu 27.07. u Marini Frapa s početkom u 21:00h.

Marina Frapa at the Dusseldorf Boat Show

Marina Frapa at the Dusseldorf Boat Show

Marina Frapa at Dusseldorf Boat Show 21-28.01.2024.

Marina Frapa dobitnik tri prestižne nagrade u 2023. godini

Marina Frapa dobitnik tri prestižne nagrade u 2023. godini

Zlatna Boula, Stvaratelji za Stoljeća i Five Star Diamond Award

Beauty pageant: Miss Adriatic Europe 2023

Beauty pageant: Miss Adriatic Europe 2023

Marina Frapa Resort Rogoznica is this year proud host of Miss Adriatic Europe 2023, which will be held on Saturday 29.07. at Marina Frapa starting at 21:00h.

4.  Easter Oldtimer Promo Tour 2023

4. Easter Oldtimer Promo Tour 2023

Rogoznica and Marina Frapa Resort once again provided the perfect backdrop during the fourth Easter Oldtimer Promo Tour 2023, organized by Oldtimer Club magazine and Marina Frapa Resort

DIE BESTE MARINA IN KROATIEN: Der Goldene Anker der Nautischen Patrouille für 2022

DIE BESTE MARINA IN KROATIEN: Der Goldene Anker der Nautischen Patrouille für 2022

GOLDENER ANKER – die höchste Auszeichnung für 2022 ging an MARINA FRAPA ROGOZNICA

Marina Frapa i Barcolana

Marina Frapa i Barcolana

Prisjećamo se sudjelovanja Marine Frapa na Barcolani i druženja s hrvatskom zajednicom u Trstu uoči ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju.

FRAPA BUSINESS CUP 2022: Ponovno uspješno jedrenje i druženje

FRAPA BUSINESS CUP 2022: Ponovno uspješno jedrenje i druženje

Bila su to još 4 odlična dana puna druženja, team buildinga, networkinga i natjecanja na moru.


Guess the wind: The winds of the Adriatic

Guess the wind: The winds of the Adriatic

Each Adriatic wind is special in its own way. Do you know about Bura or Jugo and more.

Anchoring: How to choose and use an anchor

Anchoring: How to choose and use an anchor

Regardless of the type of boat you own, an anchor of the right size and type is arguably the most important piece of safety gear to have on your boat.